    [url] => Array
            [%mrwreq%] => [Runway]%url%[VORDME][approach available if requested]
            [%mdepfr%] => [Departure frequency]%url%

    [replace] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [str_match] => mairport
                    [str_replace] => mairport
                    [match] => ^\[EPGD\]$
                    [text] => [Gdansk]

            [1] => Array
                    [str_match] => marrrwy
                    [str_replace] => marrletter
                    [match] => (29)
                    [text] => T

            [2] => Array
                    [str_match] => marrrwy
                    [str_replace] => marrletter
                    [match] => (11)
                    [text] => R


String table after first pass
Array ( [%mrwreq%] => [%mdepfr%] => [Departure frequency]128.8 [%mairport%] => [EPGD] [%minfo%] => W [%matime%] => 0830 [%mutctime%] => 1249 [%madate%] => 7 [%mapptype%] => ILS/DME [%mactrwy%] => 29 [%marrrwy%] => 29 [%mdeprwy%] => 29 [%mactrwy_or%] => 29 [%marrrwy_or%] => 29 [%mdeprwy_or%] => 29 [%mtrl%] => 90 [%mwdeg%] => 140 [%mwdeg_t%] => 360 [%mwkt%] => 4 [%mwmps%] => 2 [%mwmph%] => 5 [%mgkt%] => [%mgmps%] => [%mgmph%] => [%mvmin%] => 110 [%mvmin_t%] => 117 [%mvmax%] => 180 [%mvmax_t%] => 187 [%mtempc%] => 1 [%mtempf%] => 34 [%mdewc%] => 0 [%mdewf%] => 32 [%mhpa%] => 992 [%minhg%] => 2929 [%mmmhg%] => 744 [%mseac%] => [%mseaf%] => [%mseastat%] => [%mwsrwy%] => [%mairport_info%] => [this is]%airport%[information]%info% [%mat_time%] => [observation at]%atime% [%mapproach_type%] => [expect]%arrletter%[arrival runway]%arrrwy%[%apptype%][approach] [%mauto%] => [%marr_rwy%] => [%mdep_rwy%] => [departures runway]%deprwy%%rwreq% [%mrwyinuse%] => [%msfccond_arr%] => [%mrwy_state_arr%] => [%msfccond_dep%] => [%mrwy_state_dep%] => [%msfccond_all%] => [%mrwy_state_all%] => [%msfccond_one%] => [%mrwy_state_one%] => [%mwind%] => %wind_grp% [%mwind_grp%] => [wind]140[degrees]4[knots][variable between]110[and]180[degrees] [%mvisibility%] => %visibility_grp% [%mvisibility_grp%] => [visibility] {100}[meters] [%mrvr%] => [RVR values available on air traffic control frequency] [%mrvr_grp%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_arr%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_dep%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_act%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters][runway]29 250[meters] [%mweather%] => %weather_grp% [%mweather_grp%] => [fog obscured] [%mnocloud%] => [vertical visibility]{200}[feet] [%mcloud%] => [%mcloud_grp%] => [%mtemperature%] => %temperature_grp% [%mtemperature_grp%] => [temperature]1[dew point]0 [%maltimeter%] => [QNH]992[hectopascals] [%maltimeter_qfe%] => [QFE]992[altitude]0 [%mrecent%] => [%mrecent_grp%] => [%msea%] => [%msea_grp%] => [%mwindshear%] => [%mwindshear_grp%] => [%madvise%] => [you have received information]%info% [%mtrlevel%] => [transition level]%trl% [%mtrend%] => [%nnosig%] => [%tfm_n%] => [%tat_n%] => [%ttl_n%] => [%tfm%] => [%tat%] => [%ttl%] => [%twdeg%] => [%twdeg_t%] => [%twkt%] => [%twmps%] => [%twmph%] => [%tgkt%] => [%tgmps%] => [%tgmph%] => [%tvmin%] => [%tvmin_t%] => [%tvmax%] => [%tvmax_t%] => [%twsrwy%] => [%tsfccond_arr%] => [%trwy_state_arr%] => [%tsfccond_dep%] => [%trwy_state_dep%] => [%tsfccond_all%] => [%trwy_state_all%] => [%tsfccond_one%] => [%trwy_state_one%] => [%twind_grp%] => [%tvisibility_grp%] => [%trvr_grp%] => [%trvr_arr%] => [%trvr_dep%] => [%trvr_act%] => [%tweather_grp%] => [%tnocloud%] => [%tcloud_grp%] => [%ttemperature_grp%] => [%taltimeter%] => [%taltimeter_qfe%] => [%trecent_grp%] => [%tsea_grp%] => [%twindshear_grp%] => [%trvr%] => [%twind%] => [%tvisibility%] => [%tweather%] => [%tcloud%] => [%ttemperature%] => [%trecent%] => [%twindshear%] => [%tsea%] => [%ttempo%] => [%bfm_n%] => [%bat_n%] => [%btl_n%] => [%bfm%] => [%bat%] => [%btl%] => [%bwdeg%] => [%bwdeg_t%] => [%bwkt%] => [%bwmps%] => [%bwmph%] => [%bgkt%] => [%bgmps%] => [%bgmph%] => [%bvmin%] => [%bvmin_t%] => [%bvmax%] => [%bvmax_t%] => [%bwsrwy%] => [%bsfccond_arr%] => [%brwy_state_arr%] => [%bsfccond_dep%] => [%brwy_state_dep%] => [%bsfccond_all%] => [%brwy_state_all%] => [%bsfccond_one%] => [%brwy_state_one%] => [%bwind_grp%] => [%bvisibility_grp%] => [%brvr_grp%] => [%brvr_arr%] => [%brvr_dep%] => [%brvr_act%] => [%bweather_grp%] => [%bnocloud%] => [%bcloud_grp%] => [%btemperature_grp%] => [%baltimeter%] => [%baltimeter_qfe%] => [%brecent_grp%] => [%bsea_grp%] => [%bwindshear_grp%] => [%brvr%] => [%bwind%] => [%bvisibility%] => [%bweather%] => [%bcloud%] => [%btemperature%] => [%brecent%] => [%bwindshear%] => [%bsea%] => [%bbecmg%] => )
Array ( [0] => %mairport_info% [1] => %mat_time% [2] => %mapproach_type% [3] => %mrwyinuse% [4] => %marr_rwy% [5] => %mdep_rwy% [6] => %mtrlevel% [7] => %mauto% [8] => %mwind% [9] => %mvisibility% [10] => %mrvr_grp% [11] => %mweather% [12] => %mnocloud% [13] => %mcloud% [14] => %mtemperature% [15] => %maltimeter% [16] => %mrecent% [17] => %mwindshear% [18] => %msea% [19] => %nnosig% [20] => %ttempo% [21] => %twind% [22] => %tvisibility% [23] => %tweather% [24] => %tnocloud% [25] => %tcloud% [26] => %bbecmg% [27] => %bwind% [28] => %bvisibility% [29] => %bweather% [30] => %bnocloud% [31] => %bcloud% [32] => %madvise% ) Decoded METAR
Array ( [METAR] => Array ( [remarks] => [report_type] => METAR [obs_time] => 070830Z [wind] => Array ( [deg] => 140 [knots] => 4 [meters_per_second] => 2.1 [miles_per_hour] => 4.6 [var_beg] => 110 [var_end] => 180 ) [visibility] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => 0 [km] => 0.1 [miles] => 0.1 [meter] => 100 [ft] => 328 ) ) [runway] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [nr] => 29 [meter] => 250 [ft] => 820 ) ) [weather] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [full] => FG [proximity] => [intensity] => [descriptor] => [precipitation] => [obscuration] => FG [other] => ) ) [clouds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [condition] => VV [ft] => 200 [meter] => 60 ) ) [temperature] => Array ( [temp_c] => 1 [temp_f] => 34 [dew_c] => 0 [dew_f] => 32 ) [altimeter] => Array ( [hpa] => 992 [mmhg] => 744.1 [inhg] => 29.29 [atm] => 0.979 ) ) ) Settings
Array ( [trlrule] => low,hpa,90,996,80 [m2km_rule] => 5000 [vis_rule] => 9999 [wind_calm] => 2 [enable_rwy_use] => 0 [atis_layout] => %mairport_info%%mat_time%%mapproach_type%%mrwyinuse%%marr_rwy%%mdep_rwy%%mtrlevel%%mauto%%mwind%%mvisibility%%mrvr_grp%%mweather%%mnocloud%%mcloud%%mtemperature%%maltimeter%%mrecent%%mwindshear%%msea%%nnosig%%ttempo%%twind%%tvisibility%%tweather%%tnocloud%%tcloud%%bbecmg%%bwind%%bvisibility%%bweather%%bnocloud%%bcloud%%madvise% [atis_sfccond] => %rwy_state%%deposit%%contamination%%depth%%other_conds%%friction% [cloud_base] => 15000,SKC [voiceapts] => EPGD [magvar] => 7 [excl_tens] => 1 [three_friction] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [apt_height] => 0 [apt_height_only] => f ) URL parameters
Array ( [depfr] => 128.8 [apptype] => ILS/DME [arr] => 29 [dep] => 29 [info] => W [metar] => EPGD 070830Z 14004KT 110V180 0100 R29/0250 FG VV002 01/00 Q0992 [debug] => ) Format
Array ( [airport_info] => [this is]%airport%[information]%info% [at_time] => [observation at]%atime% [approach_type] => [expect]%arrletter%[arrival runway]%arrrwy%[%apptype%][approach] [auto] => [automatic weather report] [rwy_use] => [runway]%actrwy%[in use] [arr_rwy] => [dep_rwy] => [departures runway]%deprwy%%rwreq% [rwy_seprt] => [and] [rwy_or] => [or] [txt_and] => [and] [meters] => [meters] [kilometers] => [kilometers] [miles] => [miles] [feet] => [feet] [trlevel] => [transition level]%trl% [sfccond] => [surface condition]%rwy_state% [sfccond_arr] => [surface condition]%rwy_state_arr% [sfccond_dep] => [surface condition]%rwy_state_dep% [sfccond_one] => [surface condition]%rwy_state_one% [sfccond_all] => [surface condition]%rwy_state_all% [rwy_state] => Array ( [snoclo] => [the aerodrome is closed due to contamination of the runways] [rwy_use] => [one_rwy] => [runway]%condrwy% [all_rwy] => [all runways] [old_rep] => [previous surface condition] ) [deposit] => Array ( [0] => [clear and dry] [1] => [damp] [2] => [wet] [3] => [surface on rime or frost] [4] => [surface on dry snow] [5] => [surface on wet snow] [6] => [surface on slush] [7] => [surface on ice] [8] => [surface on compacted or rolled snow] [9] => [surface on frozen ruts or ridges] [nil] => ) [contamination] => Array ( [1] => [deposits below 10 percent] [2] => [deposits 10 to 25 percent] [5] => [deposits 25 to 50 percent] [9] => [deposits more than 50 percent] [nil] => ) [depth] => Array ( [00to90] => [in depth]%depth%[mm] [92to97] => [in depth]%depth%[cm] [98] => [in depth]40[cm or more] [99] => [closed due clearance in progress] [nil] => ) [friction] => Array ( [00to90] => %friction% [95] => [good] [94] => [medium to good] [93] => [medium] [92] => [medium to poor] [91] => [poor] [99] => [unmeasurable] [nil] => [main0090] => [braking action] [main9195] => [friction coefficient] ) [other_conds] => Array ( [rwy_clrd] => [cleared of deposits] [nil] => ) [wind] => %wind_grp% [wind_grp] => Array ( [main] => [wind]%wdeg%[degrees]%wkt%[knots] [vrb] => [wind][variable]%wkt%[knots] [calm] => [wind calm] [gust] => [maximum]%gkt%[knots] [variable] => [variable between]%vmin%[and]%vmax%[degrees] ) [visibility] => %visibility_grp% [visibility_grp] => Array ( [main] => [visibility] [dist] => %vism_u% [9999] => [visibility]10[kilometers] [N] => [N] [NE] => [NE] [E] => [E] [SE] => [SE] [S] => [S] [SW] => [SW] [W] => [W] [NW] => [NW] [NDV] => [NDV] ) [rvr] => [RVR values available on air traffic control frequency] [rvr_grp] => Array ( [main] => [RVR] [rvr_rwy] => [runway]%rvrrwy% [rvr] => %rvrminm_u_n% [rvr_min] => %rvrminm% [rvr_max] => [to]%rvrmaxm_u% [rvr_u] => [upgrading] [rvr_d] => [downgrading] [rvr_n] => [neutral] [rvr_m] => [less than]%rvrminm_u_n% [rvr_p] => [more than]%rvrminm_u_n% [rvr_min_m] => [less than]%rvrminm% [rvr_min_p] => [more than]%rvrminm% [rvr_max_m] => [to less than]%rvrmaxm_u% [rvr_max_p] => [to more than]%rvrmaxm_u% ) [weather] => %weather_grp% [weather_grp] => Array ( [NSW] => [no significant weather] [and] => [and] [heavy] => [heavy] [moderate] => [moderate] [light] => [light] [VC] => [in vicinity] [DZ] => [drizzle] [RA] => [rain] [SN] => [snow] [SG] => [snow grains] [PL] => [ice pellets] [DS] => [duststorm] [SS] => [sandstorm] [FZDZ] => [freezing drizzle] [FZRA] => [freezing rain] [FZUP] => [freezing precipitation] [SHGR] => [showers of hail] [SHGS] => [showers of small hail] [SHRA] => [showers with rain] [SHSN] => [showers of snow] [TSGR] => [thunderstorm with hail] [TSGS] => [thunderstorm with small hail] [TSPL] => [thunderstorm with ice pellets] [TSRA] => [thunderstorm with rain] [TSSN] => [thunderstorm with snow] [FZ] => [freezing] [UP] => [unknown precipitation] [IC] => [ice crystals] [FG] => [fog obscured] [BR] => [mist] [SA] => [sand] [DU] => [widespread dust] [HZ] => [haze] [FU] => [smoke] [VA] => [volcanic ash] [SQ] => [squalls] [PO] => [dust whirls] [FC] => [funnel cloud] [TS] => [thunderstorm] [BCFG] => [patches of fog] [BLDU] => [blowing dust] [BLSA] => [blowing sand] [BLSN] => [blowing snow] [DRDU] => [low drifting dust] [DRSA] => [low drifting sand] [DRSN] => [low drifting snow] [FZFG] => [freezing fog] [MIFG] => [shallow fog] [PRFG] => [partial fog] [SH] => [shower] [GR] => [hail] [GS] => [small hail] ) [cloud] => %cloud_grp% [cloud_grp] => Array ( [CAVOK] => [CAVOK] [FEW] => [few]%cloudft_u% [SCT] => [scattered]%cloudft_u% [BKN] => [broken]%cumulus%%cloudft_u% [OVC] => [overcast]%cloudft_u% [SKC] => [sky conditions clear] [NSC] => [no significant clouds] [NCD] => [no cloud detected] [CLR] => [CLR] [CB] => [CB] [TCU] => [TCU] [AC] => [AC] [CI] => [CI] [SC] => [SC] [ST] => [ST] [VV] => [vertical visibility]%cloudft_u% [nil] => [unavailable] [clouds] => [ceiling] => ) [temperature] => %temperature_grp% [temperature_grp] => Array ( [main] => [temperature]%tempc%[dew point]%dewc% [minus] => [-] [plus] => [+] ) [altimeter] => [QNH]%hpa%[hectopascals] [altimeter_qfe] => Array ( [qfe] => [QFE]%qfe% [alt] => [altitude]%qfealt% ) [recent] => [recent]%recent_grp% [windshear] => %windshear_grp% [windshear_grp] => Array ( [single] => [windshear]%wsrwy% [all] => [windshear all runways] ) [sea] => %sea_grp% [sea_grp] => Array ( [temp] => [sea surface temperature]%seac% [state] => [sea state]%seastat% ) [nosig] => [NOSIG] [tempo] => Array ( [main] => [TEMPO]%fm%%tl%%at% [FM] => [after]%fm_n% [AT] => [at]%at_n% [TL] => [by]%tl_n% ) [becmg] => Array ( [main] => [becoming]%fm%%tl%%at% [FM] => [after]%fm_n% [AT] => [at]%at_n% [TL] => [by]%tl_n% ) [advise] => [you have received information]%info% [trend] => [depp_rwy] => [departures runway]%deprwy%%rwreq% [rwyp_use] => [runway]%actrwy%[in use] [arrp_rwy] => [approach/arrivals runway]%arrrwy% ) String table after second pass
Array ( [%mrwreq%] => [%mdepfr%] => [Departure frequency]128.8 [%mairport%] => [Gdansk] [%minfo%] => W [%matime%] => 0830 [%mutctime%] => 1249 [%madate%] => 7 [%mapptype%] => ILS/DME [%mactrwy%] => 29 [%marrrwy%] => 29 [%mdeprwy%] => 29 [%mactrwy_or%] => 29 [%marrrwy_or%] => 29 [%mdeprwy_or%] => 29 [%mtrl%] => 90 [%mwdeg%] => 140 [%mwdeg_t%] => 360 [%mwkt%] => 4 [%mwmps%] => 2 [%mwmph%] => 5 [%mgkt%] => [%mgmps%] => [%mgmph%] => [%mvmin%] => 110 [%mvmin_t%] => 117 [%mvmax%] => 180 [%mvmax_t%] => 187 [%mtempc%] => 1 [%mtempf%] => 34 [%mdewc%] => 0 [%mdewf%] => 32 [%mhpa%] => 992 [%minhg%] => 2929 [%mmmhg%] => 744 [%mseac%] => [%mseaf%] => [%mseastat%] => [%mwsrwy%] => [%mairport_info%] => [this is][Gdansk][information]W [%mat_time%] => [observation at]0830 [%mapproach_type%] => [expect]T[arrival runway]29[ILS/DME][approach] [%mauto%] => [%marr_rwy%] => [%mdep_rwy%] => [departures runway]29 [%mrwyinuse%] => [%msfccond_arr%] => [%mrwy_state_arr%] => [%msfccond_dep%] => [%mrwy_state_dep%] => [%msfccond_all%] => [%mrwy_state_all%] => [%msfccond_one%] => [%mrwy_state_one%] => [%mwind%] => [wind]140[degrees]4[knots][variable between]110[and]180[degrees] [%mwind_grp%] => [wind]140[degrees]4[knots][variable between]110[and]180[degrees] [%mvisibility%] => [visibility] {100}[meters] [%mvisibility_grp%] => [visibility] {100}[meters] [%mrvr%] => [RVR values available on air traffic control frequency] [%mrvr_grp%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_arr%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_dep%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters] [%mrvr_act%] => [RVR][runway]29 250[meters][runway]29 250[meters] [%mweather%] => [fog obscured] [%mweather_grp%] => [fog obscured] [%mnocloud%] => [vertical visibility]{200}[feet] [%mcloud%] => [%mcloud_grp%] => [%mtemperature%] => [temperature]1[dew point]0 [%mtemperature_grp%] => [temperature]1[dew point]0 [%maltimeter%] => [QNH]992[hectopascals] [%maltimeter_qfe%] => [QFE]992[altitude]0 [%mrecent%] => [%mrecent_grp%] => [%msea%] => [%msea_grp%] => [%mwindshear%] => [%mwindshear_grp%] => [%madvise%] => [you have received information]W [%mtrlevel%] => [transition level]90 [%mtrend%] => [%nnosig%] => [%tfm_n%] => [%tat_n%] => [%ttl_n%] => [%tfm%] => [%tat%] => [%ttl%] => [%twdeg%] => [%twdeg_t%] => [%twkt%] => [%twmps%] => [%twmph%] => [%tgkt%] => [%tgmps%] => [%tgmph%] => [%tvmin%] => [%tvmin_t%] => [%tvmax%] => [%tvmax_t%] => [%twsrwy%] => [%tsfccond_arr%] => [%trwy_state_arr%] => [%tsfccond_dep%] => [%trwy_state_dep%] => [%tsfccond_all%] => [%trwy_state_all%] => [%tsfccond_one%] => [%trwy_state_one%] => [%twind_grp%] => [%tvisibility_grp%] => [%trvr_grp%] => [%trvr_arr%] => [%trvr_dep%] => [%trvr_act%] => [%tweather_grp%] => [%tnocloud%] => [%tcloud_grp%] => [%ttemperature_grp%] => [%taltimeter%] => [%taltimeter_qfe%] => [%trecent_grp%] => [%tsea_grp%] => [%twindshear_grp%] => [%trvr%] => [%twind%] => [%tvisibility%] => [%tweather%] => [%tcloud%] => [%ttemperature%] => [%trecent%] => [%twindshear%] => [%tsea%] => [%ttempo%] => [%bfm_n%] => [%bat_n%] => [%btl_n%] => [%bfm%] => [%bat%] => [%btl%] => [%bwdeg%] => [%bwdeg_t%] => [%bwkt%] => [%bwmps%] => [%bwmph%] => [%bgkt%] => [%bgmps%] => [%bgmph%] => [%bvmin%] => [%bvmin_t%] => [%bvmax%] => [%bvmax_t%] => [%bwsrwy%] => [%bsfccond_arr%] => [%brwy_state_arr%] => [%bsfccond_dep%] => [%brwy_state_dep%] => [%bsfccond_all%] => [%brwy_state_all%] => [%bsfccond_one%] => [%brwy_state_one%] => [%bwind_grp%] => [%bvisibility_grp%] => [%brvr_grp%] => [%brvr_arr%] => [%brvr_dep%] => [%brvr_act%] => [%bweather_grp%] => [%bnocloud%] => [%bcloud_grp%] => [%btemperature_grp%] => [%baltimeter%] => [%baltimeter_qfe%] => [%brecent_grp%] => [%bsea_grp%] => [%bwindshear_grp%] => [%brvr%] => [%bwind%] => [%bvisibility%] => [%bweather%] => [%bcloud%] => [%btemperature%] => [%brecent%] => [%bwindshear%] => [%bsea%] => [%bbecmg%] => [%marrletter%] => T )
[this is][Gdansk][information]W[observation at]0830[expect]T[arrival runway]29[ILS/DME][approach][departures runway]29[transition level]90[wind]140[degrees]4[knots][variable between]110[and]180[degrees][visibility] {100}[meters][RVR][runway]29 250[meters][fog obscured][vertical visibility]{200}[feet][temperature]1[dew point]0[QNH]992[hectopascals][you have received information]W